Freedom, infinity, divine connection, fidelity, desire, vision, transcendence, hope, love, companionship, peace, presence, transformation.
Birds are everything people could be.
With this 10th anniversary issue, we celebrate our devotion to liberty, art, and one another.
Kata Balogh, Zoltán Debreczeni, Balázs Deimanik, Judit Erdélyi,
Dorka Gergely, László Kárpáti, Zsuzsi Kreif, István Lugosi, Ádám Molnár, Tamás Molnár, Roland Pilcz, András Szurdi, Tamás Szurdi, Évi Taskovics,
Balázs Terék, Viki Traub, Virág Vécsey, Sári Zagyvai
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