This series emerged from a need to make sense of the existential mess that recurs in my life, an effort to organize the concepts and impressions that matured alongside me. Praises and criticisms from our parents often leave lasting marks, shaping beliefs that can lead to disappointment and uncertainty when they are no longer around, or have ceased to exist. In holding too tightly to what we were told, we failed to develop our own senses for navigation. Delusions, traumas, ecstasy, and rebellion filled this void, crafting a sense out of our ancestors’ guidance.
I’m drawn to symmetry and rhythm as they provide clarity, a reality check against deception. These images, simple at first glance, reveal a layer of tension — a hint of the tragedy that completes every story. This work seeks the harmony that exists at the threshold of light and dark, reminding us of the constant push and pull. Colours, rhythm, and harmony are my tools to make peace with each story, finding closure by completing them.